ROTEM Industries Developed Hyper-hemispherical sapphire dome

29 April, 2013

The new 240 degrees sapphire domes are dedicated for DIRCM/CIRCM applications, including Elbit's solution for protecting aircraft against heat seeking ground to air missiles

The Hyper-hemispherical sapphire dome will help Israel to equip airlines with laser-based anti-missile systems

ROTEM-SAPPHIREThe Crystals Division of Rotem Industries (Mishor Yamin, Israel) has manufactured the first production series of Hyper-hemispherical (240 degrees or more) sapphire domes dedicated for DIRCM/CIRCM applications.

The new developed Hyper-Hemispherical sapphire domes solve problem in current systems’ design such as limited field of view, optical obstacles and huge drag. This development demonstrates how real terrorism threat led toward a rapid efficient development of the new Hyper Hemispherical Sapphire Domes that enables new capabilities that were not available before.  The threat is all those shoulder-fired missiles used by terrorists aiming to take down commercial aircrafts or helicopters mainly during landings or takeoffs.

The compelling event in entering this project was the decision of Israeli Ministry of Transportation to equip Israeli airlines with laser-based anti-missile systems. Elbit Systems was chosen as the main contractor, while Rotem Industries provides the sapphire hyper-hemispherical domes. Elbit’s system, called MUSIC, is based on fiber laser technology and counters MANPADS (man portable air defense systems). It emits a laser beam towards an approaching missile causing the missile to veer off course.

MUSIC: Elbit’s solution to protect civil aircrafts against heat seeking missiles

“This development enables design of new DIRCM/CIRCM and other optical systems with new high performance levels never seen before'” said Benny Ballin , Head of the Crystals Division at Rotem. “This technological breakthrough will arouse interest and widen new systems’ boundary limitations for optical designers, allowing a whole new  approach for systems capabilities.”

DIRCM (Directional Infrared Counter Measures) and CIRCM (Common Infrared Countermeasures ) are two United States Government and Army initiatives intended to develop systems to protect commercial aircraft and U.S. helicopters from infrared homing (“heat seeking”) man-portable missiles.

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