Deutsche Telekom and DSPG Develop Gateway for Smart Home Solutions

10 October, 2013

The Companies Jointly Integrate a Home Automation Solution Based on DSPG's Ultra Low Energy Technology Into Speedport Home Gateways

The Companies Jointly Integrate a Home Automation Solution Based on DSPG’s Ultra Low Energy Technology, into Home Gateways

speedportDeutsche Telekom AG, one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies and DSP Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:DSPG), a leading global provider of wireless chipset solutions for converged communications, announced today that the companies have joined forces to trial a state-of-the-art ULE-powered home gateway solution targeting smart home services.

ULE technology is based on DECT standard and inherits its fortes including outstanding secure range, video and audio support and a simple star topology. With ULE technology inside Deutsche Telekom’s home gateways, Speedports are positioned to become the true center of the smart home enabling a myriad of new applications for the end customer, such as home automation, safety and monitoring services.

The Speedport home gateways will capitalize on ULE’s star topology eliminating the need for repeater to be installed as is necessary with other mesh-based competing technologies. Over a thousand devices – including motion, window contacts, smoke and flood detectors as well as other sensors – can be seamlessly connected to the Speedport gateway via ULE.

“ULE is the ideal platform for a smarter home,” says Dirk A. Böttger, Vice President, Terminal Management Fixed Line of Deutsche Telekom. “Millions of Deutsche Telekom gateways already benefit from DECT connectivity, and most of them can be easily enabled for ULE and smart home applications by a simple automatic firmware update without any disruption to best-in-class services we deliver to our customers.”

“ULE has the potential to be the unifying solution for the highly fragmented home automation market,” says Ofer Elyakim, Chief Executive Officer of DSP Group.

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