MobileTrends Report: 6% of Mobile Subscribers Visit Risky Websites Every Day

29 September, 2015

Males visit "malware-risky" websites 7.5 times more often than Females, and Millennials visit these 21 times more than Baby Boomers

Males visit “malware-risky” websites 7.5 times more often than Females, and Millennials visit these 21 times more than Baby Boomers

Risky behavior by population
Risky behavior by population

On average, subscribers have 72 daily online transactions (each with the potential to become a touch trigger), according to Allot MobileTrends Report H2/2015, 5+1 CSP Touch Triggers for Monetizing Customer Engagement. More findings: Males visit “malware-risky” websites 7.5 times more often than Females, and Millennials visit these 21 times more than Baby Boomers. Overall close to 6% of subscribers visit risky websites daily.

The report also reveals that Business Users use mobile hotspots 69% more than the typical user profile, and Millennials do this 45% more than Baby Boomers. In general, 45% of Female customers and 38% of Male customers watch video daily. Approximately 70% of video consumers are light viewers who watch 1-6 clips per day, while 8% are heavy viewers who watch 21+ clips per day. The majority of heavy viewers are Males (54%).

“As CSPs continue their transformation into digital lifestyle providers, business emphasis is shifting from byte-driven data plans to personalized service plans,” said Yaniv Sulkes, AVP Marketing at Allot Communications. “By analyzing their customers’ daily interactions with the network, CSPs will be better equipped to understand user diversity, and to offer relevant services to each customer at the most opportune moment for uptake.

Video usage of mobile subscribers
Video usage of mobile subscribers

“Our report methodology included datasets covering millions of mobile transactions and taken on a given day from four Tier-1 operators around the world, during July 2015,” he said. Allot Communications Ltd. (NASDAQ, TASE: ALLT) from Hod Hasharon, Israel provides  solutions identify and leverage network intelligence. For more information:

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